Excellent article. I love the piece on bearing witness via reading. Yes completely agree. Read read read and learn so you can formulate your own perspective away from the skewed fed story. I love the perspective that the Palestinian story isn’t that much complicated and truly it isn’t. Maybe it is complicated for the Israeli side who tries to justify their barbaric action but not for Palestinians. I commend you on your rejection of the word “Conflict” which bears the sound and the meaning of a symmetrical equal power to 2 sides. In the Palestinian story and reality that is not the case. There is no equating of positions nor power. There is only the “Oppressed side: Palestinians” and the “Oppressor aggressor side: the Israeli Government”. Keep writing. People like me are reading and want to hear so we all can stay alive
Excellent article. I love the piece on bearing witness via reading. Yes completely agree. Read read read and learn so you can formulate your own perspective away from the skewed fed story. I love the perspective that the Palestinian story isn’t that much complicated and truly it isn’t. Maybe it is complicated for the Israeli side who tries to justify their barbaric action but not for Palestinians. I commend you on your rejection of the word “Conflict” which bears the sound and the meaning of a symmetrical equal power to 2 sides. In the Palestinian story and reality that is not the case. There is no equating of positions nor power. There is only the “Oppressed side: Palestinians” and the “Oppressor aggressor side: the Israeli Government”. Keep writing. People like me are reading and want to hear so we all can stay alive
Thank you Lama. I appreciate your comment.